Monday, August 20, 2007

Contemplating "Cult of the Amateur"

Yikes, it's been about three weeks since I've posted any words to this here blog. Vacation. Work. Life. I've been reading The Cult of the Amateur: How Today's Internet is Killing Our Culture. It really has me thinking about a number of things. Ever declining readership for printed newspapers. The demise of Tower Records. The voice of authority in regard to information. The danger of amateur collaboration to create "information". An example in the book states if everyone agrees (or rather, no one disagrees) that 2 + 2 = 5, well that might start to sound like the truth. Excellent things to ponder. I'd recommend it for tech folks, information junkies, librarians, curious people, readers, and so on.

So I've been pondering how I'd like to put this piece of online real estate to use. Stay tuned.