Saturday, January 5, 2008

An entirely new experience: Detroit’s Institute of Arts

Have you been to the new Detroit Institute of Arts? If you live in the Detroit area, you must have at least seen the catchy blue ads found along the highway, on your television, or online. “Let yourself go” is the slogan. The DIA went into hiding for a while, but it’s back in incredible new glory. Existing places have been reinvented and entirely new wings have been created. When we first stepped into this place and started wandering around, we felt as if we were in the middle of Boston’s Museum of Fine Art or Chicago’s Institute of Art. The DIA redefines the cultural landscape of Detroit.

The galleries are deliberately created to educate and welcome those without formal training in art. I certainly don’t hold an art degree so I appreciated having the art brought to a digestible level. What I would have once glanced at while walking past, I can now evaluate and interpret through the assistance of the resources provided. A massive framed piece was dissected by individual appearing in the painting. The story of the picture was taught to me. I now knew what the painter wanted to achieve and what he wanted me to see. This art now becomes life.

The DIA’s going to need your support. Lots of money put it back on the map, but you’re going to need to do your part to keep it alive. How?

If you live in Detroit…support this place by visiting. Visit often. If you can afford it, become a member. The benefits make it worthwhile for anyone who appreciates the arts and culture. If you have friends coming for a visit, put the DIA on your schedule for a visit.

If you’re coming to Detroit or anywhere close…visit this place. It’s a must. And then tell your friends.

If you’re never been to Detroit…plan a visit to the city so you can see this place. While you’re here there are lots of other gems that are worth your time.

Detroit’s recreating itself and coming back to life. Woodward now shines brighter with the DIA’s marble additions embracing those who approach. Let yourself go. Slip into the building that houses the art of the world. Expand your mind and take it all in.


Anonymous said...

I've got to get down there! I'm up for a membership to a Detroit attraction and I believe this is it! Going to have to go hunt out my favorite painting!

Holly Bee said...

DIA is back?!!!

ROCK ON! I am so there! My Pigs need some cul-ture. I can't just raise them on Subbacultcha alone.